News Update :
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Now Can I Get an Encore, Do You Want More?

The show is over.  We've had our last bow.  There have been hugs and tears and promises of parties and reunions and something about going on tour.  We're flying high on the heels of a successful, inspiring show in front of an intimate and captive audience.  We did all that we set out to do.

And now it's the morning after and I am both relieved and depressed.  I miss my show sisters something fierce and know that the secret group we have online will not be enough to sustain the energy that we generate when we are together.  In short -- I want more.

I don't know how theater actors do it.  The roller coaster of emotions, the highs the lows, the anxiety, anticipation and then, bam.  That's it.  In a perfect world, they get to ride that train over and over again, knowing the show might be the same, but the audience will make it something different each time they step on stage.

I am a big fan of great song lyrics - they are my modern day poetry.  So after my last goodbye, I got in the car to drive home.  I was distracted by conversations running through my head, and wasn't paying very close attention to the playlist until the song started.  And then I dissolved into tears, thinking of how beautiful it all was...the day, the women, the show...and I wished it would never end.

Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said I just don't care?

It's only half past the point of no return 
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning, the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight?  Tonight

Pink - Glitter in the Air

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