To Sleep, Perchance to Dream?
How's Daylight Savings Time working out for ya? Did you actually get an extra hour of sleep last Sunday? Sleep is a wonderful thing, especially sleeping late on a weekend, or taking a mid-day nap. If adding a sleep siesta to the middle of a day is okay in Spain, why can't we do it here in the US? (And, why is it that we only reluctantly take naps from age 6 on?) Sleep is good for us, maybe that's why.
Today's 'I Am So Thankful' raffle prize comes to us from our friends at A sleep mask helps us steal an extra hour or two of sleep when the sun is shining bright. These 100% light-blocking masks are soft, comfy and smell like heaven, with their tiny lavender flowers tucked inside. Congratulations to Julie D. for winning. You now have permission to take a nap, thanks to your donation to the Lekumia & Lymphoma Society!